
Talent Trade Tidbit - Find the Pony

Published on: 8th August, 2024

Just a simple story about twins, toys, and a big pile of horse poop.  There’s a lesson, we promise.

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Hi, this is Stephanie Maas.


Today I want to tell you about a really neat conversation I was having last week over dinner with some colleagues.


And one of the things we were together, we were actually celebrating, but what we really got on the topic was.


Instead of spending our time talking about the difficulties of the year, what we decided to talk about was, despite the challenges, what have been your blessings?


And as we went around the table and every couple had an opportunity to share, it was so neat to hear.


All the different things that people could share that were blessings to them.


And it got me thinking about a story, and I'm not going to share all the details because I'm not a great storyteller, but the fundamentals are this long time ago, there were a set of twins.


One was incredibly optimistic.


One was incredibly pessimistic.


their parents were baffled.


How could they be so different?


They were twins.


They took him to a psychiatrist or a psychologist or whatever the case may be.


They put the extreme pessimist kid in a room full of toys, told him he could play with anything.


He could have anything.


They took the other kid that was an optimist by nature, put him in a room full of horse manure and said, Hey, this is your room, go have at it.


And of course the kid who was the pessimist.


You know, sucked his thumb, stayed in the corner, said there, there are too many toys.


He couldn't decide.


He got completely overwhelmed by the situation and kind of shut down.


Well, after an hour or so, they went and checked on the optimist kid.


And basically as they go in the room, they see the kid hands and knees just digging like crazy through all this horse manure.


And the psychologist says, what are you doing?


And the kid says, with all this poo in here.


There's bound to be a pony somewhere.


So that's my message to you today is in the midst of all the poo, even as hard as it might be, try and remember there's gotta be a pony in here somewhere.

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The Talent Trade
Presented by ThinkingAhead Executive Search
The Talent Trade is all about finding the right person, for the right opportunity, at the right time. But how exactly do you do that the "right" way? Executive Search Partner and Top Biller Stephanie Maas shares more than 25 years of experience about what it takes to be a top recruiter in today's "talent trade" market, using ThinkingAhead’s four-prong system focused on recruiting, business development, planning, and managing your mindset. It’s real, honest information about how to build your desk, perfect your niche, and stand out among the crowd in your search career.

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