
Talent Trade Tidbit - Don't Be a Donkey

Published on: 16th May, 2024

Stephanie provides a much-needed wake up call on keeping swagger levels from getting dangerously high.

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Hi, I'm Stephanie Maas.


Partner with Thinking Ahead search.


The theme of what I want to share with you today is don't be a donkey.


There's probably another word I'd rather use, but I want to keep this kid friendly.


We are absolutely in a candidate driven market.


That means right now on the pendulum of power between candidates and employers, candidates have almost all of the power.


It is just a reality.


Now, with that being said, though, let me encourage you candidates to not be a donkey during this time.


People will absolutely remember how you treated them, how you behaved, and how you carried yourself when you carried all the power.


And the thing that we have learned is no matter where the pendulum is, it eventually swings.


So if you're a candidate and you feel yourself, you know, standing a little bit taller, maybe even too tall or getting a little bit more swagger, maybe a little too much swagger because you know how in demand you are, I highly recommend you check yourself.


Or find a trusted friend, colleague, mentor, whatever the case may be, to help you check yourself and make sure that even though, yes, you do have all the power right now, you are being remembered as someone who could handle it well and not a donkey.

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About the Podcast

The Talent Trade
Presented by ThinkingAhead Executive Search
The Talent Trade is all about finding the right person, for the right opportunity, at the right time. But how exactly do you do that the "right" way? Executive Search Partner and Top Biller Stephanie Maas shares more than 25 years of experience about what it takes to be a top recruiter in today's "talent trade" market, using ThinkingAhead’s four-prong system focused on recruiting, business development, planning, and managing your mindset. It’s real, honest information about how to build your desk, perfect your niche, and stand out among the crowd in your search career.

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